Les Chaussons aux Pommes, French Apple Turnovers

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IMG_2991Do you remember a few weeks ago, I made my pâte feuilletée/puff pastry and this week I made applesauce. Well, today is the delicious combination of these two recipes. Chaussons aux Pommes or French Apple Turnovers are made with puff pastry and filled with applesauce. They are delicious for breakfast, served straight out of the oven. I made a warm and fresh batch for Fiesta Friday #56. Huge thanks to Angie from The Novice Gardener. as well as our co-hostess’s Tina @ Mademoiselle Gourmande and Juju @cookingwithauntjuju for this week’s Fiesta!

If you haven’t joined Fiesta Friday, come and have fun with us 🙂 Wonderful bloggers and wonderful recipes!

Serves: 4 large or 6 small


PicMonkey CollageProcedure: Medium

  1. Preheat the oven to 180C degrees.
  2. Flour a clean surface.
  3. Flatten with a rolling pin your pâte feuilletée/puff pastry on a square of  35 centimeters and 0.4 millimeters thick.
  4. Use a round cookie cutter (mine is 16 centimeters ) to make 4 circles.
  5. Brush with a little of water the edges of the Chausson.
  6. Add in the middle a large tablespoon of applesauce.
  7. Fold the dough over the filling, and seal delicately the edges (you can use a fork as seen in the picture).
  8. Brush with the egg yolk the entire surface of each Chausson.
  9. With the point of sharp knife, make a design (usually lines) on the top of each Chausson (work delicately because the puff pastry is a fragile dough).
  10. Bake for 40 minutes or until the top is golden brown (depending on the oven).
  11. Remove from the oven and set aside for 5 minutes.
  12. Serve warm with a tea or a coffee.

The Chausson aux Pommes are warm and flakey!

Bon Appétit!

PS: You can also use a small round cookie cutter however you will obtain mini Chausson. For this recipe, I used round shape cookie cutter, but it should be an oval shape normally.

71 Comments Add yours

  1. bitsofnice says:

    They look beautifully golden and flakey! I used to eat them all the time when I was a kid in france. That really brought me back as I had completely forgotten about them! They are so good! Thanks for the recipe I’m going to have to try to make them at home 🙂

    1. Thank you so much 🙂 I used to eat them too, when I was living in Paris. After finishing school, I always stopped with my friends to buy a warm chausson or a pain au chocolat. I’m glad we share the same memories! Do let me know how it turns out, please. Have a great Sunday!

  2. Jhuls says:

    Oh, these look so beautiful, Linda – flaky and so delicious. Thanks for sharing & happy FF. Enjoy your weekend. ❤

    1. Thank you my sweet, Jhuls 🙂 They are delicious and yummy. Have a great Sunday my Dear ❤

  3. thehungrymum says:

    how very delish. Looks like a perfect treat.

    1. Thank you so much 🙂 Enjoy your weekend!

  4. skd says:

    How can something look so gorgeous. The golden color, the flaky crisp yet melt in the mouth pastry and the delicious apple sauce. Yumm… you have magic in your fingers Linda 👌💞

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet words, skd 🙂 They are very yumm…I think I’m too much ‘gourmand’ 😀 Have a great weekend ❤

  5. Oh Linda, more chaussons, how could I possible not make those, they are beautiful! N xx

    1. Thank you very much 🙂 When I see your recipes, I’m absolutely sure you should be able to make much better chaussons than me, Nicole. xx

      1. No way, Linda, yours are so delectable looking that I imagine them jumping right out of the screen onto my plate – if only. I have never made a chausson before but am an avid French bakery customer… They are so on my list to make, especially these apple filled ones. Glad to hear from you after seeing yesterday’s news. N xx

  6. Beautiful! I’m making these!

    1. Thank you, Noémie 🙂 Do let me know how it turns out, please.

  7. Loretta says:

    These golden pastries look just awesome Linda. I could just look at your photos, arrangements and salivate 🙂 I love that tea kettle/pot in the first picture.

    1. Thank you for your nice words, Loretta 🙂 They are really nice especially when they are warm. The tea kettle is a gift from my lovely mother. Have a great Sunday!

  8. Gene’s favorite breakfast treat! I make my own applesauce and can it every Fall. I should really try to make pastries more often as I am not very good at it. Your pictures sure make me want to try. I would love this for breakfast this morning, alas I will have to settle with a smoothie! Thanks Linda for sharing another beautiful recipe. Happy FF 🙂

    1. Thank you very much Judi 😀 I used to stay away from baking pastries, but after experimenting with the puff pastry, I have realized it is easier than it seems (and very rewarding 😛 ). Thanks again for co-hosting this weeks Fiesta! x

  9. Linda, i still marvel at your homemade puff pastry and look at those turnovers. They are gorgeous. They are a wonderful and very tasty addition to Fiesta Friday!!

    1. Thanks a lot, Suzanne 🙂 I think I’m addicted forever 😉

  10. You are a genius Linda! My girls love apple turnovers and yours are gorgeous.

    1. Thank you so much, Sonal 🙂 I would love to make to your girls, warm apple turnovers. Maybe one day!

  11. Sue says:

    Oh my goodness, these are some of the best homemade looking pastries I’ve seen. Bravo!

    1. Thanks a lot Sue for your nice comment 🙂 They were really nice!

  12. Ginger says:

    They are beautiful! I’ve never made turnovers and feel I have been missing out on something amazing. Will check your your pastry recipes …

    1. Thanks a lot Ginger! You must try these (and let me know how they turn out)!! 🙂

  13. Oh wow Linda!! I’m salivating here!!!💛💛💛

    1. Ha, ha, ha Farianti 🙂 Thank you and have a wonderful week ❤

  14. Lili says:

    They’re beautiful chaussons aux pommes LInda!! Lovely flaky pastry and …feel like eating one right now! You’re inspiring me to try making some too one day! Thanks! 🙂

    1. Thank you very much, Lili 🙂 I ‘m glad I’m inspire you. If you decide to try them, do let me know what you think!

      1. Lili says:

        Will do Linda! 🙂

  15. These are my second favorite french delicacies from their bakeries, right after pain au chocolat. 🙂
    But I love apples and those pockets look amazing, would go for one of those right away. Thanks for bringing them to the party. 🙂

    1. Thank you very much Tina 🙂 Definitely one of my favourites too, now you’ve got me thinking of a fresh, warm pain au chocolat, YUM! 😛

  16. You really should be opening a restaurant or cafe my friend! Your food and cooking is amazing… I’m always in such awe of all that you produce! These beautiful Chaussons aux Pommes are no exception!

    1. Thank you so much for such kind words Margot 🙂 Maybe one day hopefully, I’ll make sure to have a table with warm Chaussons reserved for you 😀 xx

  17. Traditionally Modern Food says:

    Looks delicious:-)

    1. Thank you so much, Vidya 🙂

  18. Mika says:

    These look absolutely delicious! I can’t wait for apple season over here so I can try make a batch! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. Thank you Mika 😀 Will taste so delicious with fresh apples!

  19. They look absolutely perfect!!!

    1. Thank you Elaine!! A fresh batch are on their way to UK 😉

  20. Darya says:

    J’adore les chaussons aux pommes. J’en fais souvent avec des restes de pâte feuilletée. Les tiens ont l’air parfaitement réussis, le feuilletage est superbe !

    1. Darya, je me suis mise à faire de la pâte feuilletée car celle qui est en vente ici est immangeable. N’ayant pas la chance d’avoir non plus de bonnes boulangeries, la seule solution qui me restait était de la faire moi même. J’ai eu la chance de trouver un super blog (lafaimdesbananes). La recette est très bien expliquée et les mesures parfaites. En plus le gros avantage avec très peu de farine tu obtiens 1 bon kg de pâte que tu peux congeler. Les chaussons étaient vraiment bon et la pâte très feuilletée, comme j’aime. Une vraie pie ce matin 😀 Bonne semaine, Darya 🙂

  21. safia-safou says:

    ya Linda ya Linda ichahou tes chaussons bien dorée et feuilletées mmmmm j’adore 😉

    1. Ya Lala Safo 3andek el haq kanou bnan, skhounin. 3adjbouhoum bazef 😉

  22. That golden flaky pastry is just beautiful. As a youngster an apple turnover would have been my favorite sweet any day of the week. These are definitely the grown up version, and I would love one warmed for breakfast!

    1. Thanks a lot, Julie 🙂 I would love to share with you some warm and fresh apple turnovers around a cup of tea!

  23. platedujour says:

    So now you’re talking! I love these and there is only one bakery in Lux where I buy them! Yours look so yummy Linda 🙂

    1. Thank you Marta 🙂 Only one bakery in Lux, I’m very surprised!!! They were really yummy, warm and sweet 😛 xx

  24. Serena says:

    Looooovely! Wish I had one with my cup of tea! 🙂

    1. Thank you very much, Serena 🙂 They are very nice with tea!

  25. Nancy says:

    Wow Linda…these turnovers are a stunning (and delicious) use of your previous recipes! The pastry looks so light and flaky! I’d choose one of these turnovers over an apple pie any day. Gorgeous photos too. 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Nancy 😀 I’ve been wanting to try every recipe with puff pastry lately!! 😛

  26. chef mimi says:

    These are so lovely! At first I read chansons, and I was wondering how you were going to write about apple songs!!!

    1. 😀 you made me laugh!! Thanks Mimi 🙂 x

  27. Not only are these French apple pastries gorgeous to look at, but also flaky with apple sauce made of golden apples from Iran!!! I love your photos, the design on the pastries are smart and next to my favorite tea pot. 🙂

    1. I would love to share a warm chausson with you over tea (in the special pot)! Thank you very much Fae 🙂 x

  28. Oh my! This is soo amazing. Look at that flaky interior. Good work! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Sadia 🙂

  29. Linda… they look just came out from a boulangerie! The shape is perfect!

    1. Thank you, Margherita 🙂 They were really good especially when they were warm!

  30. elyann14 says:

    Wow, these look fabulous!! Glad to have found your blog and compliments on the beautiful photos too!

    1. Thank you so much for your nice comment, Elyann 🙂

      1. elyann14 says:

        Well, if something is good it must be said! =) Have a lovely day!

  31. milkandbun says:

    Oh, I could eat and eat these apple pies! Absolutely love them!!!☺️

    1. Me too, Mila 😀 Dangerous little treats!

  32. tastasty says:

    Wow nice, I like the “cracks” on the chaussons..:)

  33. Stunning!!! I always love your recipes, Linda!

    1. Thanks a lot, Serena 🙂

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